Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Thursday Thirteen: Things to avoid

Last time I wrote about 13 activities to lift your spirit. Today I'll look at the flip side. 13 activities that lower the spirit. By increasing the activities which lift your spirit, and decreasing the activities which lower your spirit, it is much easier to maintain a higher spirit.

Please note that I am not recommending that you stop doing any of these activities, to suggest that could offend people. In fact the complete cessation of some of these activities may have undesirable side effects in one's life. I am merely stating that I have found that the following activities do lower my own spirit. 

1. Slouching; when you slouch, you send a mental signal to your body that you don't care, and you don't want to put energy into anything. 

2. Video Games; particularly those which involve violence.

3. Pornography and lustful desire; this is not to say that sex itself is the concern here. The point here is the objectification of others, and looking at them as a means to satisfy the sexual desire.

4. Movies and TV; while this medium can be uplifting, it is often used a means of abstracting your consciousness from the things which need attention, and instead letting other ideas enter into your subconscious. This is particularly true of violent shows.

5. Focusing on problems; when a life revolves around problems, either the ones directly related to that life, or another life's problems then you are spending all you energy on what is wrong, rather than what is right. This is often referred to as drama, or gossip.

6. Control; Sometimes controlling a situation is necessary, such as in an emergency. However, most times when controlling a situation, or other people, it is actually a method of stealing energy from a limited supply, rather than connecting to the Source of unlimited energy. 

7. Greed; This is an insidious one. The concepts of materialism, of needing more, of needing to make something mine are all tied into this. Of course while keeping busy gathering things, you're focusing on your earthly self rather than your spiritual one.

8. Pride; This is all about the Ego, of making oneself out to be the best there is. The idea that everyone should respect me and look up to me for what I've done. Again focusing so much on the ego, breaks the connection to the Source. It is also the thing which will most quickly discredit a supposed spiritual master.

9. Frustration and hostility; Typically these stem from an inability to control something, the problem of things not going my way. These are a sure fire quick way to lower your spirit.

10. Associating with people prone to negativity; Like attracts like.

11. Self-doubt; Telling yourself you can't do something virtually guarantees that you can't.

12. Pretending to be something your not; If you have to pretend you're something else, then you're completely cutting off your natural conduit to yourself and the source.

13. Drugs and Alcohol; These may feel good, and may even cause one to feel they are more connected to the Source. In actuality, it scrambles your receptivity and puts in a false impression instead.

~W.C. Griffin

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
  • Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
Special thanks to my newest follower valca85 for this meme idea! 

I recently found out about the release of The Twelfth Insight by James Redfield, and just had to go and get it from the library. I absolutely loved it, and started living it. In two days, I had it completed, and began reading it again. Shortly thereafter I synchronistically discovered the book at the local super market, on sale for 20% off. Naturally I had to buy it! No two sentences could dream of giving this book justice, so I highly recommend finding a copy to read for yourself!

"What ensued was a round of mutual self-revealing, where each of us described how our spiritual journey had brought us to this moment, and to our preferred religious tradition. Adjar told us he was schooled as a Muslim and in the past few years had become interested in the Prophecy of the Islamic Messiah figure, the Twelfth Imam."

~ W.C. Griffin

Monday, June 20, 2011

Who is "I?"

"There are no ordinary moments."
- Dan Millman

"The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them."
- Albert Einstein

We all face problems in life in varying forms, from flat tires, and arguments to death and fire. There are small simple problems which are easily solved. And there are large seemingly insurmountable problems.

There are days when you don't feel so spiritual. So connected to the source. Even when you know what you need to do to feel better, you just don't want to do it. Perhaps I'm too hard on myself. Perhaps I expect too much of myself. Perhaps I'm too much "I"....

Theoretically to be spiritual at it's best, you recognize that the "I" that does the thinking, the "I" that encourages the negative self-talk as an abstract construct which isn't truly the "I" at all. The being whom we are is The Source, and any separation that we feel from that Source is the creation of this abstract "I."

So I suppose I need to ask myself a question: Do I want to continue feeling separate, depressed, and powerless; or do I want to live as the embodiment of Love, with peace, joy, and compassion?

It seems like an obvious choice, right?

What do you choose?

~W.C. Griffin

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Thursday Thirteen: Lift Your Spirit

13 activities to lift the spirit:

1. Smile

2. Have the intention to be happy. Know that you are happy in this moment. Remember it's not the events which happen to you which cause you to be happy; you're happy when you choose to be.

3. Surround yourself with positive people.

4. Read positive literature like Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield, or The Sky's the Limit by Dr. Wayne Dyer.

5. Listen to positive uplifting music.

6. Watch uplifting positive movies.

7. Wear clothing which feels good for you, like light coloured loose fitting items.

8. Cuddle with a pet.

9. Take a casual walk and/or visit a flower garden.

10. Practice having an Attitude of Gratitude.

11. Admire the beauty all around you. Remember, beauty is not a set of characteristics that need to be met, but your perspective on them. A flower is naturally thought of as pretty, and when you focus on that flower with the thought that it's beautiful, it's image is more crisp in your mind, it's more vibrant. The same thing can be appreciated in a computer monitor if you allow yourself to appreciate it as beautiful. Don't look at it and say "It's a computer monitor" When you do, you give it a label, and you take away from its presence.

12. Stay healthy. Keep a good posture, eat right, get exercise. This encourages the physical body to work at its best, thereby increasing its ability to receive energy.

13. Meditate! Particularly on Love. Live your meditation.

~W.C. Griffin

Friday, June 3, 2011

The Right Choices

"Show yourself in all respects a model of good deeds."
        - Titus 2:7

"When things go wrong, do you get better or bitter?"
        - Unknown

I have grown rather fond of telling children about Superman's greatest super power, and that it's a secret. You won't find it listed on any of his ability lists anywhere. Yet, it is considered to be his best characteristic. It is the reason why he has been hailed as the greatest hero of all time. This super power is his ability to always make the right choices.

Is it an easy thing to always make the right choices? Read a few Superman comics and you'll find that even he has a hard time knowing which choice is the right one to make. We're not Superman, and in fact he typifies a very high ideal for us to measure up to. If we can make the right choices even a fraction as often as he does we're aiming in the right direction. We can try to 'show ourselves as a model of good deeds' in all that we do. The more we do this, and the more we keep this present in our minds, then the more likely we are to make these right choices instinctively and naturally.

Something my friend said the other day really struck home. We were discussing how we were late arriving for something, and his response was "well, they'll have to deal." I've heard comments like this all my life, and they've often sounded callous and uncaring, but this time I realized how true it is. At the time that we realized we were late, there wasn't anything we could do to fix it. When the person expecting us realized we were late there was nothing they could do either. If any of us were to get upset about it, would anything have been made better? When we let go of the things which are beyond our control, it is easier to focus on the things that matter. It's easier to make the right choices.

~W.C. Griffin

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Thursday Thirteen: "Ordinary" Miracles

I've always loved the song Ordinary Miracle by Sarah McLachlan. In it she makes a very good point. Virtually everything in life is a miracle. And yet, we forget the wonder in every one of them. They've become ordinary to us. I thought I'd like to share some miracles which I felt were worth appreciating. If you get the chance, listen to Sarah's song. It really is beautiful.

Thirteen "Ordinary" Miracles

1. Our bodies knows how to get up and function every day without my having to give it specific instructions

2. The sun rises each day like clockwork, never giving up, and never being late.

3. All the animals of the planet function to maintain a balanced ecosystem while each individual, is unaware of what their contribution is.

4. Babies are born.

5. Seeds grow into plants.

6. The rain and snow materialize in the sky, making clouds, and falling when the time is right.

7. Everything stays on the planet, not falling off into outer space.

8. When words are spoken, the sound of those words travels to our ears and are translated into something we can understand.

9. We have the ability to see the light, and interpret the shapes and objects in the world around us.

10. Our smiles and our hugs have the power to make others, and ourselves feel better.

11. We can control the flow of air through our throat, to make our voice heard.

12. Our bodies process the food and beverage that we take in, keeping only the good stuff, and somehow getting those nutrients absorbed into us.

13. We all have the capacity to Love, and we do so in varying ways in every day.

~ W. C. Griffin

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thursday Thirteen: 13 Quotes

"The one basic underlying principal of the physical universe is that of thoughts becoming things. The ancestor to every material thing is a thought."
        - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

"Happy thoughts create happy molecules, and healthy thoughts create healthy molecules."
        - Deepak Chopra

"Every human being has the ability to completely control his own mind."
        - Napoleon Hill

"What you are and feel today are the products of the thoughts you had yesterday. Therefore it is important to be aware of how thoughts accumulate and their potential effect on you."
        - Kamal Sarma

"No one can make you sad, angry or happy. How you feel is entirely your choice, regardless of outside stimuli."
        - W.C. Griffin

"All change is from the inside out. To create a new concept and image of yourself, you must begin by changing your mental picture."
        - Carolyn Kalil

"Positive thinking works beautifully... Never think once about what you are giving up but concentrate on what you are getting."
        - Alexis Smith

"Think positive, encouraging, uplifting thoughts and the negative will soon disappear."
        - Anonymous

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve."
        - Napoleon Hill

"You create your reality with your intentions."
        - Gary Zukav

"The greatest force in the human body is the natural drive of the body to heal itself, but that force is not independent of the belief system... everything begins with belief."
        - Norman Cousins

"Your body is precious. It is your vehicle for awakening. Treat it with care."
        - Siddartha Gautama

"When you correct your mind, everything else falls into place."
        - Lao Tzu